05 August 2024

School of Democracy - Training of Trainers: Enhance your Training Skills (advanced course of 2024)

School of Democracy - Training of Trainers: Enhance your Training Skills (advanced course of 2024) 

The ‘School of Democracy’ is an initiative of several Dutch political foundations to reach out to young Moroccans, to support and motivate them to strengthen democracy worldwide, starting from their own environment. This Training of Trainers is designed to expand and improve your training abilities to promote and discuss democracy 

Are you analumnus of the School of Democracy, a teacher, or an NGO worker looking to enhance your training abilities and promote democratic values? Then this opportunity is for you! 

This advanced training course is aimed at equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to train others effectively. You will learn to address various learning styles, create effective learning cycles, manage diverse group levels, and foster a safe learning environment. Additionally, the course will cover leadership development, including how to become a leader, excel as a leader, and cultivate leadership in others. 


Practical information 

The course consists of one training session spread over 3 days. Selected participants are expected to participate all 3 days. The training will take place in Rabat from Friday August 23rd until Sunday August 25th. The exact agenda will be communicated at a later stage.  

The training is free of charge and participants will be accommodated in shared rooms in a hotel in Rabat. Reimbursement of transport costs is possible if participants are unable to provide for this themselves. 


  • English-speaking  

  • Able to attend all three days 

  • Alumnus of the School of Democracy or three years experience in an NGO or the education sector 

  • Able to show that you are interested in politics, democracy and/or active in civil society 

If you want to participate, please send your resume and motivation letter in English to nimar@hum.leidenuniv.nl before 31 July 2024. The selected candidates will be contacted before 03 August 2024. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. 

More information about the organizers 


This project is organized together with NIMAR, by the Eduardo Frei Foundation of the CDA (the Christian-democratic party in the Netherlands) since 2014. As of 2018 three other Dutch political foundations have joined. This year’s course will also be facilitated by the political foundation of the Dutch Liberal Democrats (VVD), the political foundation of the D66 Party (Dutch Democrats) and the Max van der Stoel Foundation of the PvdA (Social Democratic party).