
An important assignment given to NIMAR is to share the available expertise on Morocco with society. This applies to the academic knowledge present at NIMAR and the networks to which it has access. It also applies to knowledge present within organisations outside academia that have interests and an interest in the region. The Advisory Council, which has representatives from various groups in society, ensures it fulfills this duty. NIMAR makes the knowledge possessed by its network of experts available to Dutch society on a non-commercial basis. It is aware of its social responsibility.

Important partners of NIMAR are the Dutch Embassy in Morocco, Dutch governmental bodies, the media and civic organisations such as Islamic organisations and Dutch-Moroccan organisations.

The services that NIMAR provides include receiving working visits, study trips and excursions, helping organise these, conducting research, drawing up reports and providing access to its network. The basic funding of NIMAR covers the infrastructure and the academic teaching. A fee is charged for services that exceed basic advice or a reference.