Minor Culture and Society in Morocco
Students interested in the study of Moroccan culture and its languages can enrol in the English-taught minor Culture and Society in Morocco. The minor program equals 30 EC, and offers training in ethnographic research skills and lectures specifically related to Morocco and the Arab world at large.
During the fall semester, NIMAR offers the minor Culture and Society in Morocco. The minor program focuses on social sciences and humanities and gives you the opportunity to learn a foreign language. The minor is suitable for second- and third-year students of International Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, African Studies, Social Sciences or any other student with an interest in North African culture and its languages.
The minor consists of two parts. During the first part, you learn about Morocco and acquire ethnographic research skills. The lectures, taught by Moroccan and foreign academics, cover a wide range of topics such as Moroccan history, society and politics. In-depth courses on methods and techniques prepare you for the second part, an extended research period during which you will conduct (online) qualitative research.
Due to COVID-19 and the health and safety measures, the form of the minor Culture and Society in Morocco 2020 was adjusted conform Leiden University policy. The courses will be largely digital, supplemented where possible with on-campus activities.
The first part of the minor is taught online and includes some on campus meetings. You can find more information about the different courses in the course descriptions.
Case studies on Moroccan culture and society
Methods of qualitative research
Intensive language instruction ( Moroccan Arabic or French)
The second part of the minor will be partly online and partly on-site if the circumstances allow it. You will carry out your own ethnographic research in the form of digital and visual ethnography. NIMAR will organise an intensive study trip of two weeks to Morocco* in which you go on excursions in Rabat and neighbouring cities and further develop your language and research skills.
*The study trip only takes place if the circumstances allow it and within the safety measures set by the Dutch and Moroccan government. If the intensive study trip cannot take place, students will carry out their research online, based on digital ethnography and visual ethnography supported by ethnographic reporting.
You can find more information about the research period in the course description.